Educational Visits

Educational Visits UK is a one stop shop for exciting and inspiring school visits. Our huge range of fantastic attractions and top quality accommodation means we have something for students of any age and at any academic stage. Whether you know exactly what you want or need a little inspiration, we make it easier than ever to plan an educational and unforgettable trip. Our School Trip Guide is designed to inform schools of the possibilities open to them when it comes to organising a school trip. Order your Educational Visits Guide and see what new options are open to you. Educational Visits Rate Card 2019 Educational Visits Order Form 2019

The Guide

The Educational Visits Guide has been in production for over 20 years and from feedback it gets better with every year that passes. It is used by teachers who are looking for ideas for their next school trip, be it attractions to visit or accommodation – some they will have heard of plus smaller lesser known places.

The guide is now in a full colour square book form and is sent free to every school in England and Wales plus scout, guide and youth groups. The guide is perfectly complemented by the website that can feature much more information and more advertisers with an easy to use search facility and map function.

Benefits of Advertising in the Educational Visits Guide


Educational visits is a one stop shop for exciting and inspiring school visits. Our huge range of fantastic attractions and top quality accommodation means we have something for students of any age from pre-school to college students and at any academic stage.

Click here to visit the website

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